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Wong Ka Wing

Wong Ka Wing

Pierre Boulez: Sonatine for Flute and Piano

Thomas Fournil: Quintina

Ian Clarke: Touching the Ether

Music @ The Royal London Hospital - Lance Mok and Karen Wong - a talented piano/flute duo perform

Music @ The Royal London Hospital - Lance Mok and Karen Wong - a talented piano/flute duo perform

It was back in July last year that Karen and Lance first played in the hospital, and today it was a pleasure to see them return to entertain us again. Both natives of Hong Kong, Karen (flute, piccolo, and traverso) and Lance (piano performance and music composition) are experts on their respective instruments, and today's recital served to demonstrate their expertise. Both are also multiple international prize winners, and Karen's most recent nomination is as a Britten Pears Young Artist 2024/25, while Lance is making his name as a versatile composer with many international commissions and collaborations to his credit. They each perform solo concerts, and also make music with a number of other performers and ensembles; they both teach music, Lance is an RSM Board examiner, and Karen is a qualified coffee barista! For more information about Lance and Karen, please visit their own websites here: Today's programme included "D'un matin de printemps" by Lili Boulanger (recorded here); A suite by Maurice Ravel, arr. by Alain Craens: "Ma mère l'Oye" (Mother Goose): 1. Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant (Pavane of Sleeping Beauty) 2. Petit Poucet (Little Tom Thumb) 3. Laideronnette, impératrice des pagodes (Little Ugly Girl, Empress of the Pagodas) 4. Les entretiens de la belle et la bête (Conversations of Beauty and the Beast) 5. Le jardin féerique (The Fairy Garden) Philippe Barnes & Tom Phelan: "The All-Knowing Salmon" Sergei Prokofiev (arr. Karen Wong): "Summer Night", Op. 123 - IV. Dreams Joe Hisaishi: Selections from "Totoro & Spirited Away" Thank you to Karen and Lance for volunteering your time and enthusiastic performance for the benefit of the patients, visitors and staff of the hospital. We look forward to next time!
❬ Bohuslav Martinů:Scherzo (Divertimento) for Flute and Piano ❭ | Wong Ka Wing,Karen汪嘉詠&Jenny Lin林娟儀

❬ Bohuslav Martinů:Scherzo (Divertimento) for Flute and Piano ❭ | Wong Ka Wing,Karen汪嘉詠&Jenny Lin林娟儀

🎼 TRIO Music 線上音樂會|Bohuslav Martinů《Scherzo (Divertimento) for Flute and Piano》 英國 Southbank Sinfonia 香港新銳長笛演奏家— 汪嘉詠Wong Ka Wing, Karen 在音樂的世界中,有些作品如寶石般閃耀帶來活力樂趣。捷克作曲家Bohuslav Martinů所創作的《Scherzo (Divertimento) for Flute and Piano》就是這樣一顆閃亮的寶石。 這首曲子來自Martinů於1929年所譜寫的《Sextet for Piano and Winds, H. 174》的第三樂章。它是一首充滿爵士風格的作品,如同一場音樂的魔法表演,將聽眾帶入一個生動而充滿活力的音樂之旅。 聆賞由汪嘉詠演奏的《Scherzo (Divertimento) for Flute and Piano》,感受歌曲輕盈愉悅的氛圍吧! ⋐ 本次錄影全程使用 Brannen Brothers 15/85 手工焊孔銀笛 ............................ ⋮ 音樂家簡歷 長笛|汪嘉詠 長笛家汪嘉詠是一位多才多藝的室內樂和管弦樂團演奏家。她最近曾與”倫敦交響樂團“、“南岸交響樂團”、“北方芭蕾舞團交響樂”、“蘇格蘭芭蕾舞團交響樂”、“Chipping Campden音樂節學院管弦樂團”以及“香港管弦樂團”合作。汪嘉詠經常在音樂比賽中獲獎,她在2022年英國長笛協會青年藝術家大賽中獲得一等獎,2022年坦佩雷長笛音樂節短笛比賽中獲得二等獎,以及2021年全國長笛協會短笛管弦樂面試大賽中獲得第三名。除了參加2023年台北大師星秀音樂節外,她還在獲得Penthesilea學院模擬面試冠軍後,與Klangkollektiv Wien合作演出協奏曲。她在香港、台灣、英國、美國、奧地利、比利時、芬蘭、德國和荷蘭等地進行了獨奏和室內樂演出。汪嘉詠曾師隨莊雪華女士,以一級榮譽的成績畢業於香港中文大學音樂系。期後在倫敦音樂暨戲劇學院以優異的成績獲得藝術家文憑和管弦藝術碩士學位,師從Ian Clarke、Gareth Davies、Philippa Davies、Sarah Newbold、Christopher Green和Lisa Beznosiuk,學習長笛、短笛和巴洛克長笛。 鋼琴|林娟儀 著名鋼琴家Ruth Slenczynska女士曾稱讚其:「極具天賦的年輕音樂家,擁有優越的技巧及音樂性...」 德國Lippe聯邦州報:「…(她的音樂)為我們平凡無奇的生活中帶來了不平凡的微妙氣氛,是如此輝煌耀眼的光彩」 7歲開始習琴,曾就讀於台北市福星國小、仁愛國中及師大附中等音樂班,先後師事彭聖錦、郭素岑及林淑真教授;1998年甄試保送進入國立台灣師範大學音樂系就讀,於2002年獲得評審一致同意以最高分成績通過畢業考。 2004年前往德國岱特蒙國立高等音樂學院繼續深造,2007年以最高等級分(1.0)於德國岱特蒙國立高等音樂學院獲得藝術家演奏碩士文憑後繼續攻讀最高學位,於2010再次以優異成績得到最高演奏博士文憑。 在台求學期間已多次有舞台演出及獲獎的經驗,2003年赴義大利參加摩洛波利國際鋼琴賽,獲得第二名(首獎從缺); 並經國際樂評家評審投票獲頒最佳潛力獎。 2004獲選為台灣文化建設基金委員會之〝國家儲備音樂人才〞,代表參加國際知名音樂營及鋼琴比賽也屢獲佳評,不僅於薩爾茲堡Mozart及義大利Canossa音樂營,都得到表現傑出之學生獎學金,更又於義大利“Marsala”國際鋼琴比賽中,獲得第三名殊榮。 求學期間由於表現優異而多次獲選參加大師班,得到陳必先、鄧泰山、Aida Mouradian、Dimitri Bashkirov、Francesco Monopoli、Leon Fleisher、Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri、Oxana Yablonskaya、Ruth Slenczynska、Sergio Perticaroli 等國際知名教授的指導。 2008年更通過嚴格甄選,成為設於布魯塞爾-巴黎之國際鋼琴家認證協會高級班成員,有幸能在國際頂尖大師France Clidat、Jean-Philippe Collard、Jerome Lowenthal、Michel Beroff、Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri、Philippe Entremont、Robert Roux的指導下學習,增廣演奏領域的智能,汲取豐富的舞台經驗。 在旅德期間,演出足跡遍及歐洲,受邀至義大利、波蘭、法國、匈牙利電視台及德國音樂廳落成典禮演出,均受當地媒體好評;除了獨奏,也常以專業鋼琴合作及室內樂鋼琴家的身分活躍於舞台上,曾擔任德國岱特蒙音樂學院助教,同時也獲得匈牙利長笛大師János Bálint的青睞,成為其指定專業伴奏。 2010獲波蘭Mysliborz國際長笛音樂營邀約為指定鋼琴合作家,當地市長並親自頒予感謝狀,肯定其貢獻,並於同年獲邀開設大師班講座於波蘭。 2011年回台,先後任教於實踐、市立、東海、文化等大學與台師大表演藝術研究所。 #triomusic #線上音樂會 #flute #triomusic #brannenbrothers
Online Recital by flautist Karen Wong & pianist Jan Willem Nelleke

Online Recital by flautist Karen Wong & pianist Jan Willem Nelleke

We are delighted to present flautist Karen Wong and pianist Jan Willem Nelleke as our online recital artists on Thursday 16th September at 1:15pm. This recital was recorded live at St Bride's on 13th July 2021. St Bride's has run a lunchtime recitals series for more than 30 years; for further information and upcoming online recitals → Do please leave a comment or a like or subscribe to our channel; it's great for us and the artists to get your feedback and support. Programme ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ Ian CLARKE (b. 1964) Touching the Ether André JOLIVET (1905-1974) Cinq Incantations A. Pour accueillir les négociateurs - et que l'entreveu soit pacifique (To welcome the negotiators – may the meeting be peaceful) Sigfrid KARG-ELERT (1877-1933) Suite Pointillistique iii. Scherzo (Diavolina und Innocenz) Impressions Exotiques iii. Colibri iv. Lotus v. Evocation of Brahma André JOLIVET (1905-1974) Cinq Incantations D. Pour une communion sereine de l'être avec le monde (For a serene communion of humankind with the world) Béla BARTÓK (1881-1945) Suite Paysanne Hongroise for flute and piano Vieilles danses No 1-9 Programme Notes → Biography ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ Hong Kong-born flautist Karen Wong Ka Wing is pursuing a Master's in Orchestral Artistry at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama. She is studying flute and piccolo with Philippa Davies, Sarah Newbold, Ian Clarke and Christopher Green. She has worked with several Guildhall Orchestras and toured with the Asian Youth Orchestra. In 2021, Karen won 2nd Prize in the British Flute Society Young Artist Competition. Dutch pianist Jan Willem Nelleke’s exceptional qualities as a duo partner have been widely recognised. Recordings include cello music by Schumann, songs by Fauré and the Gershwin piano concerto. He is also a composer of songs and chamber music. Jan Willem teaches at the Royal Conservatoire (The Hague, Netherlands) and at the Franz-Schubert-Institut (Austria). ========================= SUPPORT MUSIC-MAKING AT ST BRIDE'S Our online and in-church recitals are presented free of charge. We are hugely grateful for people's generosity which we rely on to continue these. If you would like to make a donation to support St Bride's ministry, music, and architectural heritage, please do so at Alternatively, in the UK, text 5STBRIDES or 10STBRIDES or 20STBRIDES to 70470 to donate £5, £10 or £20.

©2020 by Wong Ka Wing Karen. Proudly created with

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